Thursday, October 19, 2006

More for the T-Shirt

For William

"I can't help that I sound annoying - it's just the way I am."

"I remember when I thought I was Spiderman... and Dad had a moustache...." (Dad has never had a moustache)

For Johnna (6 years old)

"Don't worry: I'll handle this." (Said to me [with a BB gun in her hand] as Benjamin and I were playing outside... Benjamin was winning.


For me:

"Tears? I'm not even close to tears. I am close to yelling at someone. Learn to tell the signs, Man!" (This may not sound all that funny, but you have to know my brother, Ben (the one with whom I was having a conversation), and understand that it was said with a wink. He started off with his classic, good-natured observation that comes about whenever I'm not in the best mood -"She's looking a bit weepy again..." - and this was my response.)


Joanna Cole said...


Elizabeth Erin Moore said...

Oh these are so good. You really should write a book. =)

Joanna Cole said...

I'd say it is time for an update! hehe