Sunday, January 14, 2007

Changes, Decisions, and Frustrations! Oh, My!

Wow! 2006 was a year filled with a lot of new experiences and opportunities for growth. I'll list just a few of them (i.e., those that I can remember):

~I staffed my first TeenPact class!
~I gave a speech to over 700 people (again, TeenPact related)
~I got my learner's permit (I'm scheduled to get my driver's license on the 27th, just 13 days away!)
~I dyed my hair for the first time
~I flew on a plane -- by myself, no less -- for the first time (My! But wasn't the Atlanta airport fiasco a nightmare! *lol*)
~I went to TeenPact University
~I opened my first bank account and CD
~I started corresponding regularly with a brother (in Christ, that is) from India
~I went to a best friend's wedding :)
~I had my 18th birthday


It's 2007 now, and if I thought that my life was in the fast-lane last year -- I'm beginning to understand that I ain't seen nothin' yet. ;)

I'm in my final semester of high school. The way I see it, if Brad Voeller can finish his college degree in 6 months, then I can certainly finish high school in 5. My courses this semester include: American Lit. (just a couple weeks left), British Lit., Piano II, Anatomy, Spanish I and II (oy!), Economics, American History, World History, Bible and Geography. Yep. That course load should just about do me in. *lol*

While I'm working on finishing high school, I'm also looking ahead to the future: namely, college. So far, I've applied to Wheaton College and Bryan College. I'm in the process of applying to Hope College and Augustana College. I've received early acceptance to Bryan. :) It's a good feeling -- and so is knowing that, if I choose to go there, I've got a great scholarship lined up. (Well, pretty much. I still have to go down to Dayton, TN [the location of the college] to compete for a larger scholarship, but I'm already guaranteed a good deal.)

Nothing is certain, though. And that's where the "frustrations" part of the title comes in. Honestly, I had my mind made up a month ago not to go to college this fall. But... things change. Opportunities come. God works. Mothers strongly advise. ;) Who knows? All I know is that, if I'm smart, then I'm going to be on my knees a lot in the coming months. I've never needed guidance and direction more.

That said, I must say that I'm feeling very content right now. I don't know what the next 9 months are going to bring... but I'm learning to trust that God knows what He's doing.


Elizabeth Erin Moore said...

I love the new look. Very pretty.

Sometime it's good to make lists to clear one's head. I do it a lot. You certainly do have a lot coming up and have accomplished a lot already. I can't wait to hear what you end up doing and where you end up going as far as college goes. You're a smart girl. I know you'll do well. Love you!

Janessa said...

Hang in there, girl. I know that God will lead you to the place He has set aside for you. Love ya!

Grace said...

Hey Megan, I hope your school load is getting lighter by the day. :) How is the college application process going? I know God will lead you to the place you're supposed to be this fall. Love ya!