Saturday, April 21, 2007

Finally... an update

It might be a mistake to write a update at the moment, but I'm going to do it anyway. I say that it might be a "mistake" because, I'm tired (the day was way, way too long), I'm medicated (I regularly take an antihistamine--which knocks me right out--for the incredibly annoying hives that I've been having for the last few months [if this is news to you, I'll be talking about it more--later]), and I'm a bad mood. You can't say that I didn't warn you. ;) Oh, yeah, and I'm in a really random mood.

First topic: School. Let me be honest... school has caused me no end of stress and anxiety during the last few months. First off, I'm behind in graduating (by a month and a half). I've always felt behind, and I had just hoped to end school during the "normal" time this year. It is, after all, my last year of homeschooling. The other thing that is frustrating me is *why* I'm behind. Since I got my license in January, I've had even more responsibilities than I've had in the past. I'm driving my mom and my siblings all over the place these days, so that Dad has more opportunities to get things done around the farm. I'm glad to help, but being away from home 3 or 4 days of the weeks is proving to be a major pain where school is concerned.

Second topic: TeenPact. As many of you know, TeenPact Illinois starts April 30th. I'm excited about the class--excited and nervous. If you would, please say a quick prayer for me, and for the class. Pray that I would rely on God's strength in all circumstances (physically and spiritually). To be honest with you, I'm afraid of failure (even though I've done this before. At the same time, I know that this class is not about me, not about how well I perform, or if I impress anyone. It's about God' glory, and helping students to develop a greater passion for their Lord. If I can remember that, I'll be OK.

Third topic: do you know what very interesting thing I found out at the chiropractor's last week? Apparently, I'm seriously deficient in a certain amino acid (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which helps to explain why I struggle so much with anxiety and depression. No kidding. My chiropractor is trying to help me overcome this deficiency in natural ways... but it's sounds like I'll need to start taking a drug if things don't work themselves out--and soon. My chiropractor thinks I'm probably too far gone for things to work themselves out naturally (which is huge, coming from her [one of her personal missions, as a chiropractor, is to help people get *off* of their meds], though. What a bummer.

Fourth topic: Good movies. I have a couple movie suggestions for y'all... #1: The Second Chance (starring Michael W. Smith. This one is tons better than I expected... well worth watching. It has a great perspective on what real Christianity is.) #2: Over The Hedge (I know many of you have already seen this--but for those of you who haven't, it's one of those cute, animated kids' movies.)

Topic number 5: Hives. Four months ago, I had no clue what hives were. Okay, I had a clue: I knew that it was some type of skin problem--and that was about it. Now, it would seem that hives and I are fast (and not to mention frequently visiting) friends: I've had hives most nights--and about half the days--for the last 3 months. Its been frustrating, to say the least. I can't shake them. I've been taking allergy medications, which help a lot--but make me drowsy and put me to sleep. Which is a huge pain when you need to be awake for things like school or driving... which I do a lot of these days. It's sad, but I'm getting used to being half-awake all the time. Now I know what it must be like to be a mother. *lol*

1 comment:

Grace said...

I'm so glad you decided to go ahead and update...I've been thinking about you lately. I know that the latest news from the chiropractor probably hasn't been the easiest thing for you to deal with. I'll be praying for you!
Love ya,