Today I drove back to Bryan to begin the Spring '09 semester. I started out the morning (at 5:30) feeling kind of excited. Sad to leave home again, but still looking forward to seeing my friends and beginning a new semester. Ha. That was before the shoes.
So about 2 hrs into my trip (which began at 8:45 am) I realize... I forgot my favorite shoes at home. Drat. It's always something, right? Right. So I decide to just get over it. After all, they're just a pair of shoes and I can have my parents ship them to me. No prob.
An hour later I realize that I keep closing my eyes while driving. Not the greatest idea ever--so I grab some Dr. Pepper.
2 hrs later: I realize that the Dr. Pepper isn't really helping, so I stop to get some coffee (Starbucks Doubleshot is my favorite). But the gas station only carries two kinds of coffee--both made of the stuff that doesn't even to any good. However, they did have a whole wall dedicated to various kinds of alcohol... go figure. I guess I didn't really need coffee.
3 hrs later: I get off at a reststop and practically fall onto the pavement. Hmmm. That's not good. (I think I told Mom I was "wobbly.") And I'm still sleepy. So I grab some Mountain Dew. Oh, and this is also when I find out that my roommate Liz, who had thought that she'd be arriving at Bryan this afternoon, won't be coming until tomorrow (I already knew that Johanna, my other roommate, wouldn't becoming until tomorrow). Sad.
1 hr later: I decide to take an "alternate" route to get to Bryan this time, since the last two times the route I've taken twists and turns SO much that it's just plain dangerous to drive in the dark. (Seriously, driving through it is scarier than any roller coaster I've ever been on.) This is the part where I start laughing hysterically. Turns out that this alternate route consists of 90 minutes of dangerously windy and twisty roads--as opposed to the 30 minutes on the other road. Great. Not to mention the fact that that the Mountain Dew is going through my system VERY quickly... it must be:
Time to stop at the creepy McDonald's. Yep.
1 hour later: I arrive at Bryan. Hallelujah!!! I get to my door with arms full of luggage and bags, and--you just wouldn't believe it--my key doesn't work. Soooooo... here I am, sitting in my RA's room waiting for her to get back (so I can ask her if I can sleep in her room tonight, seeing as how I can't get into mine), blogging for the first time in forever. I feel like crying (btw, I honestly don't think that I would be feeling quite so depressed by the day's events if I weren't sick and really, really tired). But I'm also smiling, 'cause I know that this is life. And I'm encouraged, because I know that none of the things that took me off guard today surprised God at all. And, as long as I get to my aspirin and some chocolate soon, I know that everything will be okay.
I just love the first day back at school.
1 comment:
So, um...this is really late but I didn't realize until today that you have a blog. Sorry. :)
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