Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Creative Juices are Dieing!

It is now time for my annual post! (Aren't you excited?) I'm sad to say that whole year has gone by since my last post, a testimony to how I've neglected this poor blog. 2010 was quite a year. Many good things happened, many things changed, and I will attempt to talk about some of them here. (As a side note: don't you hate it when you think of something witty to say, and then in the space of two seconds you completely forget what it was? Just had one of those moments.)

I'm sitting at home in Illinois. Now that I've - basically - finished my undergrad degree at Bryan, life is changing again. And, once again, I feel like a freshman. These last few weeks have been a lesson in responsibility, rest, seizing the day (or the phone call, as it may be), waiting, and how not to wait. I've felt restless - a lot. (Just typing "a lot" makes me think of the Alot monster. Please enjoy if you haven't already.) In an effort to feel less restless, I got a "prayer manager" account at Echo the other day. (It's a really interesting concept and I'll let you know how it works out. Oh, and it's free. :)) I've just felt out-of-step with myself lately.

Going back to this whole restless feeling... right now I'm job hunting and interviewing at a few local businesses. The whole process has taught me a lot and will continue to be an opportunity for growth, and I'm actually excited about wherever I will end up working. I'm learning to trust that God can provide, and that all I can do is keep taking the next step I've been shown. I'm having a little trouble with some cognitive dissonance, though. In trying to think of where I'll be in a year from now, or 5 years from now, I have far more questions than answers. (No kidding, right?) I'm thinking about a few internships, one locally that starts in the summer, and one in Chicago that starts in August. I'm thinking about grad school, but realizing that I'm hesitant to apply yet. More on this later. On a lighter note...

A few new things in 2011: I started learning how to croquet again! I'm working on a scarf (pictures to come) at the moment. Am I worried that I either drop or add a stitch - or two stitches - on each row? Meh. A little. I tell myself that it's a learning curve, though.

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