Sunday, November 15, 2009

In Response to "Safe"

A few moments ago I was reading a book on leadership and came across this quote by Roman historian Tacitus: "
The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise.

I believe that Tacitus has it right, and that in order to fulfill our God-given dreams it will require great courage and trust on our part. It's natural for me to deny my dreams because I'm afriad that they will require me to live outside my comfort zone--emotional and physical. But knowing what I know about my future, that I am as safe now as if I were already in the Kingdom of GOd, I can take risks and dream big... because I am already safe, and I need not let my need for safety stand in the way of being who I was made to be. My prayer is that I will remember this and live a life worthy of my calling.


Grace said...

Your posts are making my heart rejoice. :)

Unknown said...

YAY! Rock on, girl!!! ^_^ That is SOOOOO awesome I love it! You, you are simply a masterpiece! Thanks for sharing your blog with me. *hug* see ya real soon. -_^